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Simple & complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates simple and complex - what is the difference? If you have type 2 diabetes, you know that the carbohydrate count. Although carbohydrates are necessary for a healthy diet, eat too many carbohydrates at meals can make sugar in the blood of levels soar - and this is why knowing the answer to this question really matters. A balance in your diet will help keep your blood glucose within an acceptable range. Simple carbohydrates are mainly simple sugars and they raise sugar in the blood much faster and generally higher than complex carbohydrates.

An example of a simple sugar is sugar in your bowl of sugar. Things like candy, syrups and soda pop are simple carbohydrates. Fruit and milk are also considered simple carbohydrates, even if they contain vitamins, fiber and important nutrients your body needs.

Complex carbohydrates are starches containing fibres. Complex carbohydrates are more slowly than carbohydrates simple, so blood glucose rises as high or as fastdigested.

Foods like brown rice, whole grain, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta and fiber-rich cereal are complex carbohydrates. Some vegetables including broccoli, corn and legumes (beans, chick peas), are also complex carbohydrates.

When planning your meals, to focus on your consumption of carbohydrates of carbohydrate complex and simple carbohydrates. This will help you control your rate of sugar in the blood.

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