People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop diseases of the heart as the rest of the population. In diabetes, heart disease can progress faster than normal.
Why? Diabetes accelerates the hardening of the arteries (also known as atherosclerosis). This can occur when too high cholesterol. You may have heard of LDL and HDL. These are lipoproteins carry cholesterol that circulates through your body. LDL, or proteins of low densities, take cholesterol through the circulatory apparatus where it is needed. HDL or high density protein, transport which is not used to the liver.
When there is too much cholesterol, LDL deposited the remains of cholesterol in blood vessels. Even if HDL attempt to carry the surplus of the liver, they cannot take all of this. Cholesterol extra that gets left form plaque on the walls of the vessels, which makes them less flexible and more narrow. This raises the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.
Where a person has diabetes, glucose in the blood can slow the LDL and make them "sticky," which makes the cholesterol accumulate much faster on the walls of blood vessels. This is why people with diabetes have to monitor their blood cholesterol more closely and start cholesterol drugs sooner than people without diabetes.
Recommended cholesterol levels:
LDL cholesterol: <100 mg/dlhdl="" cholesterol:="">45 mg/dl for men and 55 mg / dl for womenTriglycerides: <150>150>healthier diet has avoided "tropical" fats such as coconut and palm oilsUse less fat when global cookingEat more than eat less products and whole grain bread and cereals made with refined flourChoose low fat dairy productsEat less red meat and more fish and Skinless white meat of chicken or other healthy sources of protein, such as beans and tofuEat more fruits and vegetablesOther things you can do Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise everydayQuit smoking or not startKeep regular appointments with your cholesterol doctorTake drugs prescribed
A diabetic, it is also important that you know the warning signs of the different types of diseases of the heart of the problems that require immediate medical attention. Pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the chestDiscomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomachShortness unique in a cold sweat, nausea or numbness lightheadednessSudden or the weakness of the face, arm or legespecially on one side bodySudden, difficulty speaking or understandingSudden murky confusion see in one or two eyesSudden difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordinationSudden, and severe headaches without known cause
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